Volume 0

"In The Volume Of The Book It Is Written Of Me"

Portrait of Jesus by Akiane Kramarik (c) 2003
Confirmed by
Colton Burpo circa 2005

I Am
Forgiving The Sins of Abortion
Removing The Enemy From The Land

Letter 0
—About Jesus—
Absolute Victory Through Overwhelming Superiority

Matthew 10:27
“Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light;
what you hear in the ear,
preach on the housetops.

Dear Reader & Hearer,

My Dad opens His Book with this phrase: “In the beginning…”

The True Account that Yeshua began in the Scriptures continues in the Letters To Daniel, and can be found referenced in Scripture by the Apostle Paul who wrote,

“You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men;
clearly you are an epistle of Christ,
ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God,
not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.”
2nd Corinthians 3:2-3

While the Letters To Daniel are not Scripture, they are Scriptural, in that they are the accurate recording of my testimony of how I was saved by God my Father through the Holy Spirit by belief in His Son Jesus unto Eternal Life.

Insofar as most of the contents of the Letters are written from my memory, some details may be in error, but the general theme and message is accurate. Any mistakes are from the author. Everything else is from the Lord.

It is my hope and prayer that these letters and any other writings the Lord has given me to record will bring forth “new life, in new generations," and will result in the Good News of Jesus being boldly proclaimed where no one has proclaimed before.

For what it’s worth, this is the story of Jesus’ life in me, and my life in Him.

If you don’t know Who Jesus is and you want to find out, find a New King James Bible and read the fourth book in the New Testament, the Book of John. Then proceed to the Book of Acts, then the Book of Revelation. Finally read the Book of Isaiah, in the Old Testament. Isaiah contains the DNA of all Scripture.

I look forward to meeting you in Heaven.

This site (LettersToDan) was first printed & posted to the internet on 2013-02-09.

For other parts of my Testimony, please visit these websites:
www.motleyjanitors.com (first posted on 2013-02-04)
www.strongnationarmy.us (first posted on 2016-12-19)
www.theschoolofjesus.com (first posted on 2017-07-24)

Jesus Name… Be Blessed, We Are Loved.
Romanus Christian Theophilus

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How The Letters Work
Click HERE to read PDF
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Letter Sequence and Table of Contents
“And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying,…”
Acts 2:40a

Seq.===Vol.==Title=Print & Post Date (year-month-date)
(Click on Letter Number for PDF, Letter Title for Audio Version, and Date for Other Things)


Letter 00

A.D. 2011

Letters 01-66
01====1==Prologue=2011-07-11 (click here for post card)
01a===1==Seeing Jesus=2018-05-06
02====1==DREAM - First Spiritual Events=2011-07-22
02a===1==The Day I Learned To Pray=2012-01-31
02b===1==Unseen Agencies=2012-02-26
03a===1==We’re Loners, Romanus=2015-02-01
03b===1==I Was Delivered Once, And Young=2012-06-27
04====1==Two Baptisms=2011-07-27
05====1==UFO 1984=2011-07-27 (click here for UFO picture)
06====1==The Summer of ’73=2011-08-02
06a===1==(More About) The Summer of ’73=2020-04-29
07====1==Witness Lee=2011-08-02
07a===1==DREAM - Jesus Today=2017-09-24
08====1==DREAM - Forgotten Cellars In The Churches=2011-08-03
09====1==Collegiate Level Training & Introduction To Warfare=2011-08-05
09a===1==DREAM - Worldwide Epidemic=2017-09-30
09b===1==DREAM - Gang Warfare=2017-09-30
09c===1==DREAM - The Obelisk=2017-09-30
09d===1==DREAM - The Salesman=2017-09-30
09e===1==DREAM - The Dance=2017-09-30
09f===1==DREAM - The Tribunal=2017-09-30
09g===1==DREAM - The Fishing Lodge=2017-09-30
09h===1==VISION - Seattle Dumpster=2019-04-03
09i===1==VISION - Wolves & Lambs=2019-04-03
09j===1==VISION - Smith River=2019-04-03
09k===1==(radio silence) VISION - The Goddess Spirit=2019-04-03
09l===1==VISION - Living Newborn=2019-04-03
09m===1==VISION - The Eagle, The Dove, and the Sparrows=2019-04-03
09n===1==VISION - Golgotha Recreation=2019-04-03
09o===1==DREAM - The Family Business=2023-02-20
10====1==The Return of The Gifts=2011-08-06
10a===1==DREAM - In Iraq=2017-09-30
11====1==A Return To Work - Part 1 My Father’s Work=2011-08-07
12====1==A Return To Work - Part 2 Identifying Curses=2011-08-16
12a===1==DREAM - Standing Watch=2017-06-18
12b===1==DREAM - Demon Ship=2017-09-30
12c===1==DREAM - Gay Jew=2017-09-30
12d===1==DREAM - Kissorrow=2017-09-30
12e===1==DREAM - Head Custodian=2017-09-30
12f===1==DREAM - My Brother's Deliverance=2017-09-30
13====1==How I got To Harborview In The First Place
Part 1 My Dream Job
Highwayman - Part 1)
14====1==How I got To Harborview In The First Place
Part 2 The News That Rocked My World
Highwayman - Part 2)
14a===1==How I Got to Harborview In The First Place
Part 3 - But I’m Sure He Said “3”=2021-08-25
15====1==Intermission (The Lone Ranger)=2011-09-01
16====1==Fulfillment of Job 5:12=2-11-09-04
17====1==(radio silence) Win Worley=2011-09-04
19====1==A Few Dollars Less=2011-09-12
20====1==Overcoming Masonry=2011-09-18
21====1==“From Sea to Shining Sea”=2011-09-21
22====1==(radio silence) Preparing To Wage War=2011-09-25
22a===1==The Man In The Red Jacket=2023-10-08
23====1==The Day of 7 - Part 1 Revelation 18:1-3=2011-10-03
23a===1==INTERMISSION(Coffee Time)=2011-10-06
24====1==The Day of 7 - Part 2 Breaking The Silver Cord=2011-10-08
25====1==The Day of 7 - Part 3 Pain Management=2011-10-10
26====1==The Day of 7 - Part 4 Busting Ghosts At School=2011-10-10
26a===1==The Day of 7 - Part 4a The Wrath of The Son
and Killing Liberty
27====1==The Day of 7 - Part 5 Lexicon of Love OR
Don't Use Satan's Dictionary
28====1==The Day of 7 - Part 6 Impostors OR
Don’t Click That Link!
29====1==The Day of 7 - Part 7 “You’re A Trekkie” She Said=2011-10-20
29a===1==The Day of 7 - Part 7a DREAM - The Trailer=2011-10-20
30====1==The Day of 7 - Part 8 The Liberation of PraiseTree=2011-10-28
31====1==The Day of 7 - Part 9 The Removal of Leviathan=2011-10-28
31a===1==The Day of 7 - Part 9a The Deliverance of (CB9)=2011-11-13
32====1==The Day of 7 - Part 10 The Word Against Snoqualm=2011-10-28
33====1==The Day of 7 - Part 11 A Place of Refuge=2011-10-28 (click here to see video)
34====1==The Day of 7 - Part 12 Collateral Damage=2011-10-28
35====1==The Day of 7 - Part 13 Aggressive Freestyle Walking=2011-10-29 (Mother Freedom)
35a===1==The Day of 7 - Part 13a Lunch With Angel Gabe=2016-08-11
35b===1==The Day of 7 - Part 13b Where Satan’s Throne Is=2016-08-11
35c===1==The Day of 7 - Part 13c Spearing The Spirit=2022-06-16
36====1==The Day of 7 - Part 14 The Majesty of The King=2011-10-29 (Majesty)
37====1==FREEDOM - A New Beginning=2011-11-03 (Free Bird)
37a===1==(radio silence) FREEDOM - Before Our Father’s Throne=2011-11-08
37b===1==(radio silence) FREEDOM - Deliverances=2011-11-12
37c===1==FREEDOM - “What If God Was One of Us?”=2011-11-13
38====1==DREAM - Inside The Gates of Hell Part 1 - The Spirit of Death=2011-11-06
39====1==(radio silence) Inside The Gates of Hell Part 2 - My First Memory=2011-11-16
40====1==Inside The Gates of Hell Part 3 - The Spirit Speaks=2011-11-16
40a===1==DREAM - Opposing Satan=2011-11-16 (click here for drawing of dream)
41====1==9/11=2011-11-23 (see drawing of Jesus on 9/11 here) (click here for Art Bell on 9/11)
41a===1==9/11 - (EVIDENTIARY DOCUMENTATION)=2020-05-01
42====1==Comfort And Refuge=2011-11-28
43====1==Meeting With Daniel=2011-11-30
44====1==Worlds At War=2011-12-04 (KVI Bryan Suits 2003-03-06 / David Horsey Cartoon / Seagull)
45====1==Demons And Discernment at Dennys=2011-12-06
45a===1==Satan Speaks=2016-08-17
46====1==Mom At Rest - A Completed Journey=2011-12-10
47====1==Faith Comes by Audio, and Audio By iPod=2011-12-12
48====1==Graveyard - The Blood of The Martyr=2011-12-15
48a===1==DREAM - Mom In Church=2017-09-30
48b===1==DREAM - The Rebellious Wife=2017-09-30
49====1==The Victory of Jesus=2011-12-20
50====1==The Comfort of The Lord=2011-12-20
51====1==Shield Upgrade=2011-12-23
52====1==Christians Don't Die=2011-12-27
(radio silence) Rise of The Motley Janitors=2011-12-28
55====1==An Engineered Vacation=2011-12-31
56====1==The Hand of Satan=2012-01-03
57====1==The Accusations of Satan -Part 1
“It Sends The Wrong Message”
58====1==The Accusations of Satan -Part 2
“A Mere Scrap of Information”
ATTACHMENT to Letter 58: DOC-01)
59====1==The Commission=2012-01-06
60====1==Pain On Steroids=2012-01-07
61====1==DREAM - Saving The Dead (And Other Comforts)=2012-01-07
62====1==On Trial=2012-01-07
ATTACHMENTS to Letter 62: DOC-02, DOC-03)
63====1==The Book of Eli=2012-01-13
64====1==Destroying The Taliban=2012-01-09
65====1==The Grid. Greater, Stronger, Sharper.
(And Satan And All His Host Became Sore Afraid)
66====1==Time For A Break=2012-01-12

* * * * *

A.D. 2012

Letters 67-91
67====2==DREAM - Potato Man=2012-01-16
68====2==Audio Books=2012-02-01
70====2==DREAM & VISION - Seven Candles=2012-02-13
71====2==New Medicine=2012-02-14
73====2==Giving Credit=2012-02-20
74====2==Disagreements of Doctrines=2012-02-23
75====2==The Direction of The Lord=2012-02-28
76====2==The Sheep And Goat Deception=2012-03-02
77====2==Heroes of The Faith -
Haralan Popov and Richard Wurmbrand
78====2==UNBREAKABLE=2012-03-08 (Unbreakable Video)
79====2==Jesus Is Glorified=2012-03-11
80====2==BATTLE OVERRIDE=2012-03-12
81====2==Dr. Chuck Missler=2012-03-13
82====2==Doing An End Run Around Unbelief=2012-03-18
83====2==The Grateful Deadhead=2012-03-18
84====2==“Obamacare”: Witchcraft In The Land=2012-03-18
85====2==The Long Sorrow=2012-03-19
87====2==Sword Dance=2012-03-25
88====2==The Liberation At Pioneer Square=2012-03-26
89====2==Angels - Part 1 First Revelation=2012-03-26
90====2==Angels - Part 2 “Gabe, Gabe, Gabe, Gabriella”=2012-03-26
91====2==Break Time - Making The Turn=2012-03-26

* * *
* * * * *

VOLUME 2a (Letters 92-99 This volume has been archived)

VOLUME 1a (Letters 100-120 This volume has been archived)


A.D. 2012
Letters 121-154a

121===3==Deliverance of (CB7)=2012-03-20
122===3==The Return of “It”=2012-05-31
123===3==The Casino Stroke=2012-06-13
124===3==**SPECIAL LETTER**=2012-06-24
125===3==Proclaiming The Gospel Inside Satan's Camp=2012-06-24
126===3==(radio silence) You Too Can Become P1=2012-07-14
127===3==(radio silence) You Too Can Become P2=2012-07-14
128===3==(radio silence) You Too Can Become P3=2012-07-14
128a==3==(radio silence) DREAM=2012-07-14
129===3==Jesus, God of All Comfort=2012-07-14
130===3==The Battle For Right Relationship=2012-07-23
131===3==VISION - Penetrating Oil=2012-07-23
132===3==* Editorial Notes *=2012-07-23
133===3==Sealing The Breach=2012-07-27
134===3==The Divine Council=2012-07-30
135===3==Two Questions. One Answer.=2012-08-10
136===3==** A Few More Editorial Notes **=2012-09-02
137===3==Islam At (G6)=2012-09-16
137a==3==Holy War, Holy Peace=2016-08-13
137b==3==DREAM - Fraudulent Merchandise=2012-08-23
138===3==I Have A Dream=2012-09-16
139===3==New Names For Old Stars=2012-09-20
140===3==The Book of Acts=2012-09-20
141===3==Current Status=2012-09-30
142===3==Employee Appreciation Day=2012-10-04
143===3==The Storm At PraiseTree=2012-10-04
144===3==The Undiscovered Country=2012-10-05
145===3==Tragic Bus=2012-10-05
146===3==Familiar Spirits=2012-10-15
146a==3==VISION - Three Vile Vials=2012-10-15
147===3==The Father’s Chastening=2012-10-17
148===3==(radio silence) Mercy Prevailed=2012-10-17
148a==3==DREAM - Power Over The Enemy=2012-10-17
149===3==Medical Update=2012-10-27
150===3==(CS1) Part 1=2012-11-05
151===3==(CS1) Part 2=2012-11-05
152===3==(CS1) Part 3=2012-11-05
153===3==(CS1) Part 4=2012-11-05
154===3==The End, For Now=2012-11-11
154a==3==Civil War In The Church=2012-11-11
154b==3==VISION - Satan Dethroned=2012-11-30

* * * * *

VOLUME 3a (Letters 155-163 This volume has been archived)

A.D. 2013
Letters 164-230

164===4==(radio silence) Lucian Freud=2013-01-01
165===4==Upcoming Projects For 2013=2013-01-10
166===4==(radio silence) The Word Against Part 1=2013-01-24
167===4==(radio silence) The Word Against Part 2=2013-01-29
168===4==(radio silence) The Word Against=2013-02-07
169===4==The Word Against Moroni (Mormonism) - Part 1=2013-02-09
170===4==The Word Against Moroni (Mormonism) - Part 2=2013-02-09
171===4==The Word Against Gaia (Mother Earth)=2013-02-20
172===4==DREAMS (2 Each)
Badger Man AND “The Best Is Yet To Come”
173===4==Medical Update=2012-03-13
174===4==The Contract (Part of The Word Against Hermes)=2013-03-17
175===4==The Word Against Hermes=2013-03-21
176===4==**Editorial Notes**=2013-04-04
177===4==No, Really! I Had It All To Myself! - Part 1=2013-04-04
178===4==No, Really! I Had It All To Myself! - Part 2=2013-04-04
179===4==The Testimony of Jesus=2013-04-12
180===4=="I Entered The Darkness And Found The Light"=2013-04-13
181===4==Leviathan Speaks - So Does Almighty God.=2013-04-14
182===4==Something Good Actually Happened=2013-04-20
183===4=="My Son Has Two Shepherds - They Don't Mind"=2013-05-01
184===4==9/11 Revisited=2013-05-07 (Revised 2015-03-01)
185===4==The Word Against "Mr. Hankey"=2013-05-15
186===4==More Audio Opposition=2013-05-15
187===4==The Word Against "Murphy's Law"=2013-05-26
188===4==Angel Gabe=2013-06-12
188a==4==The Word Against Ramtha=2013-06-29
189===4==An Apology To Women Is offered=2013-06-15
190===4==Sweet Hitchhiker(s)=2013-06-29
191===4==More on Angels Gabe & Gabriella=2013-07-07
Click here to see a slide show featuring one of Gabriella’s favorite Songs of Anointing).
192===4==Seattle Underground=2013-07-08
193===4==DREAM - The Word Against (G6)=2013-07-21
194===4==Why I Believe In Bible Codes=2013-07-24
Prayer For Mycroft=2013-08-09
196===4==Angels Mark and Luke=2013-08-09
197===4==Angel Maiah=2013-08-09
198===4==The Three Fears Deliverance=2013-08-18
199===4==The Doctor, The (Non-)Diabetic, and The Devil
(A 3D Approach To Prophecy)=2013-08-24
200===4==DREAM - The Word Against "The Cleaning Lady"=2013-08-27
200a==4==DREAM - My Brother’s Deliverance=2013-08-27
201===4==Contact With (CB7)=2013-09-01
202===4==Family Deliverance - A New Perspective=2013-09-05
203===4==The Word Against Ondine=2013-09-10
204===4==The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Evil=2013-09-16
205===4==Pastor Roland Buck=2013-09-19
206===4==Delta-1, Delta-2, Hotel-3 Zero Through Niner=2013-09-24
208===4==Disarming The Enemy At (G6)=2013-09-24
209===4==VS Day At (G6)=2013–09-27
210===4==VISION - Jesus The Cornerstone=2013-09-28
211===4==Jesus, King of Gamers (Game On!)=2013-09-30
212===4==Winning On A Prayer=2013-09-30
213===4==It Expires On The Ninth=2013-10-02 (see Tree and Log PHOTO here).
213a==4=="If I Were The Devil"=2022-11-21 Paul Harvey 1965 - "If I Were The Devil
214===4==The Word of God Against Satan=2013-10-04 (click here for slideshow)
216===4==End Game - Part 1 Taken By Surprise!=2013-10-17
217===4==End Game - Part 2 Armor, Ablative, Heavenly=2013-10-17
218===4==End Game - Part 3 The Reluctant Participant=2013-10-19
219===4==End Game - Part 4 Face to Face=2013-10-19
220===4==End Game - Part 5 Game Over, For Now=2013-10-19
220a==4==End Game - Parts 1-5 Supporting Data=2016-08-11
221===4==Symptoms of Battle=2013-10-23
222===4==Good News!!! Jesus Wants You For Life, And Here’s The Evidence!=2013-10-31
223===4==The Pendragon=2013-11-03
224===4==The Word of God Against The Armies of Satan=2013-11-09
224a==4==The Iron Man Anointing=2013-12-09
225===4==I Considered His Word, And Became Sore Afraid.=2013-11-13
226===4==Sabbath Rest Because His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burden Light=2013-11-24
227===4==Revelation 2:24-25 The Stronger Defense=2013-11-27
228===4==The Word of God Against Sexual Slavery=2013-12-03
229===4==Looking Back, Seeing Ahead=2013-12-09
230===4==Closing Out 2013 A.D.=2013-12-09
230a==4==Hot Pursuit=2013-12-30

* * * * *

VOLUME 4a (Comments On Letters 164-230a. This volume has been archived)

A.D. 2014
Letters 231-307
231===5==Satan Broke It. Only Jesus Can Fix It.=2014-01-01
232===5==Becoming His Bondslave=2014-01-09
233===5==Our Father’s Life Extension Policy (The Goodness of God)=2014-01-22
234===5==Gabriel And The Parable of The Ten Virgins=2014-01-23
235===5==The Prayer of Jesus For The Viet-Nam War Veteran And
The Word of God Against The Buddha
236===5==(radio silence) The Word of God Against…=2014-02-10
237===5==DREAM - Forgiving Satan=2014-02-19
238===5==The Prayer of Jesus For The Healing of The Pentecostal Church=2014-03-09
239===5==The Two Archangels of Hell (“Uday and Qusay”*)=2014-03-11
240===5==DREAM - Car Thieves=2014-04-07
241===5==The Prayer of Jesus For The Tribulation Saints=2014-05-06
242===5==The Gospel=2014-05-18
243===5==OK. But Why Do I Still Hurt?=2014-05-29
243a==5==DREAM / VISION Blinding Poison=2014-05-29
244===5==Repairing The Breach=2014-04-10
246===5==The Prayer of Jesus For (C3) And (U14)=2014-06-03
247===5==Notes On Triangulation - Part 1=2014-04-28
248===5==Burien Chapel (Tolerating Jezebel)=2014-05-11
249===5==VISION - Zero Point Weaponry=2014-05-15
250===5==Are They Spiritual Bodies, or Bodily Spirits?=2014-05-15
251===5==Between Here And Maryland=2014-05-25
252===5==Now I Know Why I Get Sick=2014-05-25
253===5==Notes On Triangulation - Part 2=2014-06-02
254===5==Notes On Triangulation - Part 3=2014-06-02
255===5==Notes On Triangulation - Summation of Parts 1-3=2014-06-05
256===5==Gabriel’s Credentials=2014-06-08
257===5==Before Proceeding Any Further
The Mission Prioritization Table And The Anti-Deception Grid=2014-06-14
258===5==Miracles And Medicine Sovereignty And Freedom.=2014-06-14
259===5==Tears of The Son=2014-06-22
260===5==VISION - Ablative Armor Mantle=2014-07-05
261===5==DREAM/VISION - Incident at Harborview=2014-07-05 (PrayerSong Audio Only)
262===5==From Angel Gabriel To You (And Other Stuff)=2014-07-05
263===5==From Rattlesnake To PraiseTree=2014-07-13 (click here to see video)
(Special note: click on these links for photos of PraiseTree- Photo 1. Photo 2.
Click on these links see other videos of PraiseTree -
PraiseTree Ledge Video 1. Video 2. Video 3. Video 4. Video 5.)
264===5==The Song of PraiseTree=2014-07-20
265===5==The Heartbeat of Heaven=2014-07-20
266===5==The Bugler & Co.=2014-07-20
267===5==Speaking With The Tongues of Angels=2014-07-27
268===5==The PraiseTree Anointing=2014-07-31
269===5==The Three Rivers Are One=2014-08-02
270===5==The Snoqualmie Indian Nation=2014-08-03
270a==5==DREAM - Army Tanks Overwatch=2014-08-03
271===5==The First PraiseTree Sign of Heaven=2014-08-10
272===5==Medical Babylon=2014-08-24
273===5==More From The Summer of ’73=2014-08-26
273a==5==Mission Accomplished=2014-09-01
274===5==The End of The Day of 9/11=2014-09-04
275===5==Star Trek=2014-09-15
276===5==DREAM - Given In A Dream=2014-09-25
277===5==Astoria, Oregon - Part 1 Land of My Fathers=2014-09-29
Picture, Song1)
278===5==Astoria, Oregon - Part 2 Enter The Witch=2014-09-29
279===5==Astoria, Oregon - Part 3 Angels Jane And Joan, The Narsil Twins=2014-09-29
280===5==Astoria, Oregon - Part 4 Laying Dad To Rest=2014-09-29
281===5==The Cabin=2014-10-02
282===5==The Fall of Angel Chrioni=2014-10-10
283===5==Enmity In The House=2014-10-16
284===5==God Vibrations In Hell Hospital=2014-10-16
285===5==DREAM - Gabriel In The House=2014-10-19
286===5==Some Very Important Words=2015-01-20
287===5==Covert Ops And Intel At Denny’s=2015-11-05
288===5==DREAM - Doctor, My Eyes ...=2014-11-08
288a==5==Seeing Into The Eyes of The Damned=2014-12-08
289===5==Angel Gabriel’s Current Mission, Etc.=2014-11-25
290===5==The Prayer of Jesus For His People and
The Word of God Against All of Satan’s Resources
291===5==A Dark Sail And A Bright Ship=2014-11-25
292===5==Interim Commandant=2014-11-26
293===5==A Change of Intercession=2014-12-08
294===5==A Heavenly Offer I Really Shouldn’t Refuse=2014-12-20
295===5==The WWII Anointing=2014-12-14 (click here for audio of Patton's Prayer)
296===5==VISION - “… All Authority Is Given Me…”=2014-12-14
297===5==Peace Treaty=2014-12-15
298===5==“The West Coast Offense”=2014-12-17
299===5==On Point=2014-12-17
300===5==When Is An Angel Not An Angel?=2014-12-17
301===5==The Prayer of Jesus For America=2014-12-21
302===5==“Where Are Your Accusers Now?”=2014-12-21
303===5==(radio silence) Letter To (CB38) of (U19)=2014-12-23
304===5==That's Billion With A “B”=2014-12-27
305===5==My First Christmas With The Real Angel Gabriel=2014-12-27
306===5==End of Year Recap And Comments=2014-12-29
307===5==Looking Ahead Into 2015=2014-12-31
307a==5==DREAM - Sistah Soldiah=2016-11-08

* * * * *

A.D. 2015
Letters 308-430
308===5==The Good Land=2015-01-01
309===5==Breaking The Pentecostal-Ism Curse=2015-01-03
310===5==Overthrowing The West Coast (audio A) Power of Witchcraft=2015-01-10
The Midwest
(audio B),
The Southwest
(audio C),
The Southeast
(audio D),
The Northeast
(audio E) Powers of Witchcraft=2015-01-18
310b==5==The Prayer of Jesus Against
The Princes of Witchcraft
(audio F) =2015-01-18
311===5==DREAM - Now I Command=2015-01-23
312===5==The Rise of the Kingdom Spook Army=2015-01-28
313===5==The Lost Anointing of The 1980’s=2015-02-02
313a==5==(radio silence) DREAM - This Week In Spook Army (TWISpA)=2015-02-09
314===5==“Resonant Evil”=2015-02-15
315===5==Mike In Astoria=2015-02-15
316===5==The Day I Learned To Pray - For Everything=2015-02-15
317===5==The Prayer of Jesus For The Lost Anointing of The 1980’s=2015-02-15
318===5==Superbowls 2014 and 2015. A Win For Both Nations.=2015-02-24
319===5==Letter 184 Revisited=2015-03-01
320===5==(radio silence) Getting On The Enemy's Nerves=2015-03-08
321===5=="I'm Going For Eight”=2015-03-08
322===5==Battle Damage Assessment=2015-03-08
323===5==DREAM-VISION - Creation Eagerly Waits=2015-03-09
324===5==Just A Few of My Own Thoughts…=2015-03-15
325===5==A Word From Angel Gabriella=2015-03-16
Click here to see a slide show featuring one of Gabriella’s favorite Songs of Anointing).
326===5==Enter The Brothers Cherub=2015-03-19
327===5==Enter The Crusher=2015-03-22
328===5==DREAM - One Love=2015-03-23
329===5==Not Until The Rapture=2015-03-23
330===5==“… But At The End of The Day” of The Night=2015-03-26
331===5==Insecurity Demands Company=2015-03-29
332===5==Entering Graceland=2015-04-05
333===5==And Suddenly There Was 3 (And A Bunch of Other Stuff Too)=2015-04-05
334===5==Smoke On The Water (Loving And Forgiving Satan)=2015-04-12
335===5==A Gift From My Dad And His Son=2015-04-13
336===5==Mashed Potato-(Man)=2015-04-17
337===5==“I’m Younger Than That Now”=2015-04-19
338===5==TWISpA 13-17 April 2015=2015-04-20
339===5==The Return of The Son=2015-04-26
340===5==VISION - The Warehouse=2015-04-26
341===5==Kingdom Anomalies=2015-04-26
342===5==“I Gave My Back To The Smiters”=2015-04-27
343===5==Why Bellevue? Why (G6)? Why Me?=2015-05-03 (see diagram here)
344===5==VISION - The Sands of Time In The Fingers of God=2015-05-03
345===5==The Song of Smith & Wesson, The Brothers Cherub=2015-05-10
346===5==The Word of God Against Allah=2015-05-18
347===5==From “Work Slow” To “Happy Day”=2015-05-23
348===5==The Word of God Against Big Pharma=2015-05-23
349===5==“Times of Refreshing”=2015-05-25
350===5==Message Infusion Therapy=2015-05-31
351===5==Angel Gabriel’s All-Purpose Sleeping Powder=2015-05-31
354===5==“The Year of The Whirlwind“=2015-06-07
355===5==SIGN - The Chrysler 300=2015-06-13
356===5==The Rhema Word=2015-06-13
357===5==DREAM - Mountain In The Sky=2015-06-14
358===5==Legal Right?=2015-06-14
359===5==Removing The Fingerprints of Witchcraft=2015-06-14 (click here to see video)
360===5==The Prayer of Jesus Against All Hindu Gods=2015-06-20
361===5==Weapons And Tactics Part 1
Swords of The Spirit. Lights of God. Hope Omnipotent=2015-06-21
362===5==Weapons And Tactics Part 2
The Doctrine of Faith=2015-06-21
363===5==Weapons And Tactics Part 3
The Power of Love=2015-06-25
364===5==Weapons And Tactics Part 4
Power Omnipotent=2015-06-25
365===5==Weapons And Tactics Part 5
Peace Omnipotent=2015-06-25
366===5==More of “More Than Vicodin”
Or “I Want My “MTV””=2015-06-27
367===5==INTERACTIVE VISION - I Want All The Keys=2015-06-27
368===5==The Mountain of Josiah=2015-07-05 (click here to see slideshow)
01, 02, 03, 04 / MARKUP (2009) 01, 02, 03 / FIRST PHOTOS (1999)
369===5==A Record of Faith In Action=2015-07-07
370===5==The Siege of Bethel Part 1
Some History=2015-07-13
371===5==The Siege of Bethel Part 2
Where Did THEY Come From?=2015-07-13
372===5==The Siege of Bethel Part 3
Inverse Intel=2015-07-13
373===5==The Siege of Bethel Part 4
This Sucks!=2015-07-13
374===5==The Siege of Bethel Part 5
In Retrospect=2015-07-13
375===5==Twenty Years of Increasing Blessings=2015-07-13
376===5==SIGN - The 300 Speaks=2015-07-17
377===5==A New Heart Is Given=2015-07-23
378===5==Timing Is Everything=2015-07-23
379===5==TWISpA (x2) 11-25 July 2015 Operation Eradicate=2015-07-26
380===5==The Prayer of Jesus For Pulling Down Strongholds
IN, OF, and THROUGHOUT The Pacific Northwest
381===5==The Prayer of Jesus For The Protection of The Letters To Daniel=2015-08-10
382===5==Angel Gabriel Goes To Washington=2015-08-12
383===5==Recipe For Deliverance=2015-08-22
384===5==Free Will Trade Agreement=2015-08-22
385===5==Your Deliverance From The Powers of Lust And Adultery=2015-08-23
386===5==A Little Deception Goes A Long Way=2015-08-30
387===5==VISION - The Terminal Angel=2015-08-30
388===5==The Prayer of Jesus For Me And
The Word of God Against The Two Archangels of Hell - “Uday And Qusay”
389===5==SIGN - The Pearl=2015-09-04
390===5==“I Hope. I Really Hope.”=2015-09-04
391===5==SIGN - The Family Car=2015-09-06
392===5==A 20:1 Ratio=2015-09-06
393===5==The Single Guy=2015-09-11
394===5==DREAM - Gabriel He Ain’t=2015-09-13
395===5==DDoS Attack=2015-09-19
396===5==New Machine In Town / “I’ve Heard of You”=2015-09-19
397===5==The Prayer of Jesus For And The Word of God Against
Apple, Incorporated
398===5==The Prayer of Jesus For Afghanistan And
The Word of God Against Pederasty
399===5==This Free Help Comes At A Bit of A Cost=2015-10-02
400===5==The Prayer of Jesus For The Roman Catholic Church And
The Word of God Against Roman Catholicism
401===5==“ ; ”=2015-10-06
402===5==The Covering of All The Glory=2015-10-06
403===5==Ministry of Sorrow=2015-10-09
404===5==Dinner Agenda - Healing The Church In, Of and Throughout
The Pacific Northwest
405===5==“Layers And Levels”=2015-10-13
406===5==A Little Bit of Micro-Intercession Goes A Long Way=2015-10-18
407===5==DREAM - Ghost Truck=2015-10-18
407a==5==MMIP Control Form
407b==5==MMIP Control Form Special
408===5==Angel Beniah=2015-10-24
409===5==The Two Keys=2015-10-24
410===5==INTERACTIVE VISION - The Coffee Shop=2015-10-26
411===5==The Meeting=2015-10-26
411a==5==DREAM - The Meeting=2015-10-26
412===5==What The Lord Says Is What The Lord Says=2015-10-31
413===5==And From Pain To Pain We Grow=2015-11-08
414===5==“You’re Terminated”=2015-11-08
415===5==SuperGirl And The Fantastic Five=2015-11-15
417===5==The Opening Door=2015-11-20
418===5==Freeing Women=2015-11-20
419===5==“My Sheep Hear My Voice”=2015-12-03
420===5==Playing The Disability Card=2015-12-03
421===5==Again? Really? You’ve Got To Be Joking!=2015-12-06
422===5==He Saw, He Knew, He Conquered.
He Saw, He Knew, He Lost.
423===5==DREAM / VISION - Jewel Thief=2015-12-09
424===5==How Do You Spell Relief?=2015-12-13
425===5==(radio silence) Crudely Speaking, With Purpose=2015-12-17
426===5==80 Degrees of Comfort And Gratitude=2015-12-20
427===5==“No More Hell To Pay”=2015-12-20
428===5==Looking Behind, Seeing Ahead=2015-12-21
429===5==Hell’s Last Gasp AND The End of Dung Detail=2015-12-24
430===5==Final Letter of 2015 == Audio PrayerSong == “No More Hell To Pay”=2015-12-25

* * * * *

A.D. 2016
Letters 431-556
431===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 01 The Turning Point=2016-01-02
432===6==Angel of Glory=2016-01-05
433===6==DREAM - “I Got This”=2016-01-09
434===6==Prayer of Thanksgiving=2016-01-09
435===6==DREAM - It Sure Is Vague In Here=2016-01-16
436===6==Jesus On Politics=2016-01-18
437===6==On Closer Scrutiny=2016-01-21
438===6==Q&A With Angel Gabriel Part 1 - Healing=2016-01-28
439===6==Q&A With Angel Gabriel Part 2 - This Happened In Real Time=2016-01-31
440===6==Ahhh. Goin’ Pro At Last (We Hope).=2016-01-31
441===6==Q&A With Angel Gabriel Part 3 - More On Healing=2016-02-09
442===6==SIGN - New Submarines Shouldn’t Ping. But I Heard Three And Saw One=2016-02-14
443===6==VISION - “Life To The Tribe”=2016-02-16
444===6==A Little Leavening Goes A Long Way OR Yeast Infection Is She=2016-02-20
445===6==(radio silence) The Prayer of Jesus Against…=2016-02-22
446===6==TV Re-Runs Never Die. They Just Get Refurbished.=2016-02-24
447===6==(radio silence) TWISpA 21-27 February 2016=2016-02-27
448===6==(radio silence) VISIONS - Some Cooling Is Needed. Drying Up The 90%=2016-03-07
449===6==Medical Update=2016-03-07
450===6==DREAMS - Decepticon AND Scaring My Dog=2016-03-07
451===6==VISION - Space=2016-03-19
452===6==“Don’t Feel Like Satan, But I Am To Them, So I Try To Forget It Any Way I Can”
(Neil Young, Rockin’ In The Free World)=2016-03-19
453===6==DREAM - “Look Mom, No Wings”=2016-03-19
454===6==They Came From Afar=2016-03-20
455===6==More Than A Healing=2016-03-26
456===6==Shakespeare’s Van=2016-03-28
457===6==The 80/20 Approach To Fat City=2016-04-01
458===6==VISION - Hit Man=2016-04-05
459===6==JESUS - Cure For The Common Cold (and Diabetes, Cancer, Food Allergies, Obesity,
And All Other Ailments
460===6==Now I Can See For Miles (Well, Sort of)=2016-04-05
461===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 02 Azusa Now=2016-04-09
462===6==The Childless And The Fatherless=2016-04-14
463===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 03 Transfer of Ownership=2016-04-23
464===6==DREAM - The Cross And The Gold=2016-04-30
465===6==The Word of God Against The Spirit of Gluttony and
The Prayer of Jesus For Those Who Are Overweight
466===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 04 DREAM - Portraits of Honor=2016-05-05
467===6==Level Up=2016-05-05
468===6==Witness Protection Program and Diplomatic Immunity=2016-05-05
469===6==The Prayer of Jesus For (G6)=2016-05-09
470===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 05 DREAM - Our Father's Great Joy=2016-05-17
471===6==Allergies Are Themselves Allergic To Healing=2016-05-17
472===6==But He Sure Looks Like The Devil=2016-05-21
473===6==The Day I Learned To Testify=2016-05-21
474===6==VISION - Angel Rick And His Flame Thrower=2016-05-21
475===6==(radio silence) Movie Superhero Removes…=2016-05-21
476===6==The End Is Near=2016-05-23
477===6==I Did Not Swear=2016-05-28
478===6==Overcoming Verbal Bullying=2016-06-04
478a==6==“I’m Glad You're Here”=2016-09-11
479===6==DREAM - The Issaquah Effect=2016-06-04
480===6==Find The Cost of Healing Part 1 - Historical Overview=2016-06-10
480a==6==Find The Cost of Healing Part 2 - The Inquisition=2016-06-10
480b==6==Find The Cost of Healing Part 3 - The Blessing of The Son=2016-06-10
480c==6==Find The Cost of Healing Part 4 - God Loves Issaquah=2016-06-10
480d==6==Find The Cost of Healing Part 5 - You’re Outta Here=2016–06-10
480e==6==Find The Cost of Healing Part 6 - Follow Up=2016-07-23
482===6==DREAM / VISION - Destroying The House of Child Pornography=2016-6-12
483===6==The Word of Life To The Snoqualmie Indian Tribe=2016-06-19
484===6==DREAM - Riders On The Rails=2016-06-24
485===6==I Wasn’t The Only One That Satan Screwed Over At (G6),
Just The Last One
486===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 06 I’m Outta Here (At Least For Now)=2016-06-25
487===6==I Got My Math Wrong -OR- Here Is My “Plus One”=2016-06-26
488===6==Hell Hath Frozen Over At Last=2016-06-28
489===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 07 The Staff of Jesus=2016-07-11
490===6==The Prayer of Jesus Against Hermes And All His Resources=2016-07-14
491===6==“He Who Walks In The Midst of The Seven Golden Lampstands”=2016-07-14
492===6==“The Trees Are Singing, And It Sounds Like Water”=2016-07-17
493===6==“The Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence,
And The Violent Take It By Force”
=2016-07-17. (EVDOC L493 — 01, 02, 03, 04).
494===6==The Mantle of Grace=2016-07-22
495===6==The Prayer of Jesus Against Ondine=2016-07-28
496===6==“I Care For The Abused And The Abuser”=2016-07-31
496a==6==DREAM - This Is What WON’T Happen=2016-08-17
497===6==Say What?!=2016-08-03
498===6==In Closing=2016-08-04
499===6==Certificate of Authenticity=2016-08-04


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

500===6==VISION - That’s One Sick Girl=2016-08-19
500a==6==The Prayer of Jesus Against All Cold Viruses And All Fevers=2016-08-19
501===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 08 Seattle Worships Jesus=2016-08-27
Photo-01 / Photo-02 / Photo-03 / Photo-04
502===6==Incident at Costco=2016-08-27
503a==6==The Trip To Astoria Day 1 A Special Effort=2016-09-01
503b==6==The Trip To Astoria Day 2 Precisely According To Plan=2016-09-01
503c==6==The Trip To Astoria Day 3 I Rode, And It Weren't No Dream=2016-09-01
504===6==Now I Know Why=2016-08-28
505===6==Angel Bruce=2016-09-02
505a==6==Angel John=2022-05-25
506===6==Back In The Graveyard Again=2016-09-05
507===6==Back In The Depression Again=2016-09-07
507a==6==The Prayer of Jesus Against The Power of Depression=2016-09-07
507b==6==Deadly Depression Is Now Destroyed=2016-09-13
508===6==Operation Racial Reconciliation=2016-09-16
509===6==Operation 2 Shot=2016-09-16
510===6==They’re Like Bedbugs. Hard To Get Rid of And a Complete Nuisance.=2016-09-17
511===6==DREAM - Part 1 Dinner is Served
Part 2 Subduing The Wicked, Saving The Innocent
512===6==“Down By The River”=2016-09-17
513===6==DREAM - Bright Light Beacon=2016-09-19
514===6==DREAMS - Voices - 2 Each=2016-09-21
515a==6==The Song of The Hate Birds=2019-11-09
516===6==Three Years Out=2016-09-26
517===6==What Profit Thee The Tongue?=2016-09-27
518===6==W.T.F.?!=2016-09-28 (click here for photo)
519===6==The Forgiven=2016-09-29
520===6==The Perceiver=2016-10-02
521===6==How To Derail A Train=2016-10-02
522===6==My Worst Day=2016-10-05
523===6==DREAM - The House of Lilith=2016-10-05
524===6==Yahweh Stakes His Claim at (G6)=2016-10-10
525===6==No Quarter=2016-10-15
526===6==I Took It, In Order To Bring It=2016-10-16
527===6==The Word of God Against FreeMasonry and
The Prayer of Jesus For The FreeMasons
Liberating the 2 x 2's=2016-10-17
528===6==Some Family Talk=2016-10-21
529===6==DREAM - Wrestling With Hermes=2016-10-23
530===6==Letter To Donald Trump=2016-10-24
531===6==A Notepad and Pencil=2016-10-24
532===6==The Peanut Butter Lady=2016-10-26
533===6==Calling An Audible Sign=2016-10-30
534===6==DREAM - The Drug Store Girls=2016-11-04
535===6==More About Angel Gabe=2016-11-04
536===6==Outpost (G6) Behind Enemy Lines=2016-11-07
537===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 09 Election 2016 Surprise!=2016-11-13
538===6==The Day The Music Died=2016-11-13
539===6==DREAM - Lady On The Bus=2016-11-19
540===6==(radio silence) DREAM - A Declaration of Innocence=2016-11-19
541===6==Prayer For Michael=2016-11-19
542===6==A Question of Fortune=2016-11-20
543===6==“You Can Call Me Mom”=2016-11-23
544===6==A Most Productive Conversation=2016-11-25
545===6==DREAM - Unto You I Commend My Spirit=2016-11-25
546===6==DREAM - Suicide Must Leave=2016-11-25
547===6==Greetings Team EasyLight=2016-11-27
548===6==Covert Ops; And For Good Reason...=2016-11-30
549===6==The Cursed Coffee Blend=2016-12-02
550===6==Now THAT'S Pain Medication=2016-12-03
551===6==The Prayer of Jesus Against Family Witchcraft=2016-12-07
552===6==Junk Mail Devils=2016-12-18
553===6==DREAM - Brother (CB42), I Presume=2016-12-18
554===6==SIGN - TURNGPT 10 Confirmed Electoral College Elects Donald Trump
The Forty-fifth President of the United States of America
555===6==DREAM - No Arguing=2016-12-24
556===6==Final Letter of 2016=2016-12-31

* * * * *

A.D. 2017
Letters 557-655
557===7==(radio silence) The End of The House=2017-01-02
558===7==Enter Angel Galadriel=2017-01-06
559===7==DREAM - Bad Attitude=2017-01-06
560===7==Praying For The Win=2017-01-07
561===7=="A Profane Thing"=2017-01-08
562===7==DREAM - Credit Card Lady=2017-01-16
563===7==SIGN - 7 Rev=2017-01-22
564===7==SIGN - TURNGPT 11 - President Trump! President Trump!=2017-01-22
565===7==SIGN - TURNGPT 12 - “We The People”=2017-01-22
566===7==VISION - The Two Ladies of Destruction=2017-01-23
567===7==The Exit of (P7)=2017-01-29
568===7==“Let Me Be Your First Stop”=2017-01-29
569===7==DREAM - “Well, That One's Dead”=2017-01-30
570===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against Hermes,
Greco-Roman God of Commerce
571===7==DREAM-VISION - Storm Wrestler=2017-02-05
572===7==VISION - The Pit=2017-02-13
573===7==“The Spirit of Healing”=2017-02-19
574===7==PROPHETIC WORD - “Here Comes The Healer”=2017-02-25
575===7==DREAM - Reclaiming the Freedom To Proclaim=2017-03-05
576===7==DREAM - The Mormon Man=2017-03-05
577===7==Eisegesis or Exegesis - Flashlight or Suntan=2017-03-12
578a==7==These 3 Dreams AND “I Walk Alone”=2017-03-19
578b==7==DREAM - “No!”=2017-03-19
578c==7==DREAM - “You May Need This”=2017-03-19
578d==7==(radio silence) DREAM - Wrestling Down The Queen of (…)=2017-03-19
579===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against All The Fallen B-SOG=2017-03-25
(Podcasts of Dr. Mike Heiser with “Fern & Audrey” -
Audio 01, Audio 02, Audio 03,
Audio 04 Audio 5, Audio 6)
580===7==The Vulture, The Eagle, and The Black Crows=2017-03-27
581===7==Regarding The Salvation of Demons, Fallen Angels, and Satan (audio 02)
(Baby, I’m Not Foolin’)=2017-04-01
582===7==Introducing Angel Pamela AND Meeting With (CB7)=2017-04-05
583===7==Medal of Honor - “In Jesus Name”=2017-04-16
584===7==DREAM - Daniel on TV=2017-04-16 (click here for drawing)
585===7==DREAM - “You’re Going To The Pit” (Oh Really?)=2017-04-16
586===7==Operation Reprobation Overthrow
The Prayer of Jesus Against The Prince of Reprobation=2017-04-22
587===7==DREAM - (CB42)’s Old Car=2017-04-27
588===7==Operation MIPS For May Day=2017-05-01
589===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against The Seven Princes
of the Seven Diadems of Abominations
590===7==Find The Cost of Healing Part 7 Closing The Wound=2017-05-08
591===7==Obamacare is Dead=2017-05-08
592===7==DREAM - Corn Burger=2017-05-14
593===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against The Murderers of Musicians=2017-05-20
594===7==The Return of the Kingdom The Freedom to Speak Freely, The Liberty to Love
The Name Jesus, The Blessing of God=2017-05-20
595===7==The United States Lands In Israel=2017-05-24
595a==7==DREAM - Military Satanic Ritual Abuse=2017-05-24
596===7==Understanding SOG - Overthrowing SOG=2017-05-29
597===7==(radio silence) DREAM/VISION - The Gatekeeper=2017-05-29
598===7==The Command of God To Be Free=2017-06-05
600===7==Strong Pain, Stronger Praise, Strongest Prayer=2017-06-05
601===7==The M544 Protocol=2017-06-10
601a==7==M544 PROTOCOL CONTROL FORM=2017-06-10
602===7==OEM Spec. Healing=2017-06-18
603===7==The Angel of The Church=2017-06-24
604===7==DREAM - Imposter In The House=2017-07-06
605===7==DREAM - Janitorial Business=2017-07-06
606===7==Operation SOG Removal=2017-07-15
607===7==DREAMS - The Brown and The Black AND Comfort in the Chaos=2017-07-16
608===7==Letter Update and Other Things=2017-07-29
609===7==DREAM - Revealing the House of Deception and The Fake Holy Spirit=2017-07-29
610===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against Wicca and Paganism=2017-07-31
611===7==The Short Sword and The Long Sword=2017-08-06
612===7==VISION - Enter The Wrestling Squad=2017-08-12
613===7==VISION - King of This House=2017-08-12
614===7==(radio silence) DREAM=2017-08-12
615===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against Obsessive Compulsive Disorder=2017-08-13
616===7==Elevator Exorcism=2017-08-18
617===7==A Short History of Vision=2017-08-18
618===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against Racism and Hatred=2017-08-20
619===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against Shakti Snake-Girl of Yoga=2017-08-26
620===7==Don't Blame the Messengers=2017-09-10
621===7==(radio silence) DREAM - Removing The Prince=2017-09-14
622===7==DREAM - “I Got The Tip”=2017-09-14
623===7==(radio silence) DREAM=2017-09-14
624===7==A Deliverance Revealed=2017-09-17
625===7==DREAM - New World Medicine=2017-09-18
626===7==TWISpA 2017_09_10-17=2017-09-24
627===7==DREAMS - TWISpA 2017_09_18-23=2017-09-24
628===7==DREAMS - TWISpA 2017_09_25-30=2017-10-01
629===7==DREAM - Public Transit SOGS=2017-10-02
630===7==(radio silence) DREAM=2017-10-04
631===7==Tom Petty and The 58=2017-10-08
632===7==George Soros=2017-10-10
633===7==The Prayer of Jesus For The Healing of the Nations=2017-10-21
634===7==VISION - The Message of The Lion=2017-10-22
635===7==RHEMA WORD Part 1 - Marshall Law and
Part 2 - The Marshall Plan
635a==7==RHEMA WORD - Commissioning Document
For Marshall of the Divine Council
636===7==DREAMS - TWISpA 2017-10-2_29=2017-10-29
637===7==Star Trek - Discovery=2017-11-03
638===7==DREAM - Room 601=2017-11-05
(radio silence) Letter To (…)=2017-11-05
640===7==DREAMS - 1. Church Intercession 2. Power Up=2017-11-05
641===7==VISION - Tunnels to The Pit=2017-11-12
642===7==DREAM - The Shredded Seer=2017-11-12
643===7==The Prayer of Jesus Against The Veil of Witchcraft=2017-11-13
644===7==DREAM - Exit The Massage Lady=2017-11-26
645===7==VISION - Overthrowing The Prince of Breast Cancer=2017-11-26
646===7==DREAM - X-9 Bullet Stopper=2017-11-26
647===7==DREAMS - Pastoral Intercession=2017-12-03
648===7==From Brown Belt To Black Belt=2017-12-09
649===7==DREAM - Overthrowing The Angel of Disease=2017-12-17
650===7==My Brother Is Healed=2017-12-24
651===7==DREAM - The Evil Manager Angel=2017-12-24
652===7==The Accomplishments of Jesus=2017-12-24
652a==7==Where The Holy Tree Grows=2017-12-31
653===7==Enemy Interdiction=2017-12-30
653a==7==DREAM - House Cleaning=2018-01-06
654===7==VISION - Commandant of “The Purell Police Department”=2017-12-31
655===7==Final Letter of 2017 - The White Winged Dove=2017-12-31

* * * * *

A.D. 2018
Letters 656-740
656===8==A Delay In Time Is Requested=2018-01-01
657===8==Destroying The House of Witchcraft Part 1
Orders Update
658===8==(radio silence) Destroying The House of Witchcraft P2
DREAM - The Witching Pool=2018-01-07
659===8==Destroying The House of Witchcraft Part 3
DREAM - The Triumph of Sierra One Zero
660===8==Destroying The House of Witchcraft Part 4
The Prayer of Yeshua Ha Meshiach Jesus The Messiah and Romanus Christian Theophilus
Against The House of Witchcraft
661===8==(radio silence) DREAM - Removing The Fake (…)=2018-01-21
662===8==DREAM - “Betrayed”or “You’ve Been Served”=2018-02-09
663===8==DREAM - The Fake Lion=2018-02-09
664===8==The Day of The Philadelphia Eagles (The Seers of Love)=2018-02-12
665===8==Touched By An Angel (Just The Wrong One)=2018-02-12
666===8==The MOTB=2018-02-12
667===8==Letter Change Up=2018-02-26
668===8==Field Notes For Monday - Friday, 30 Oct - 3 Nov 2017=2018-02-26
669===8==DREAM - Astoria Overwatch=2018-03-03
670===8==The Prayer of the Lord Holy Spirit and Two Believing Brethren
for The Netherlands and The United States of America
671===8==Field Notes For Monday - Friday, 6 Nov - 10 Nov 2017=2018-03-15
672===8==Field Notes For Monday - Friday 5 March - 9 March 2018=2018-03-15
673===8==DREAMS - Delivering My Past=2018-03-31
674===8==The New Weapon=2018-04-05
675===8==OPERATION: Lady Freedom=2018-04-09
676===8==DREAM - OPERATION: Sentry Termination=2018-04-09
677===8==TWISpA 09-13 April 2018=2018-04-29
678===8==M544 and MMIP For The State of California=2018-04-29
680===8==Bravo Art Bell=2018-05-20
681===8==Bravo Dr. Chuck Missler=2018-05-20
682===8==My Deliverance is At Hand, and I Am Almost Gone=2018-05-20
683===8==(radio silence) DREAM - Revealing The House of (…)=2018-05-27
683a==8==DREAM - Defending the Honor of My Friend (CB20)=2018-05-27
684===8==Destroying The House of Sexual Sin and Perversion=2018-06-05
685===8==The Prayer of Jesus To Destroy
The House of Sexual Sin and Perversion
686===8==DREAM - President Obama=2018-06-05
687===8==DREAM - “Devils Out Into Swine”=2018-06-16
688===8==SIGN - My Love For You=2018-06-19
689===8==DREAM - Signs In The Shadows=2018-06-19
690===8==DREAMS -
A. Dragon Fish, B. Unknown Content, C.
The Enemy and the Smorgasbord=2018-06-23
691===8==The Four Houses of Deadly Sin=2018-06-26
692===8==The World of Politics=2018-06-27
693===8==VISION - White Man Anti-Christ / DREAM - Black Man Boss=2018-07-04
694===8==7 Month Notice=2018-07-04
695===8==DREAM - House of Racism=2018-07-04
696===8==(radio silence) DREAM - Overthrowing The House of (…)=2018-07-04
697===8==DREAM - Secret Service Detail=2018-07-09
698===8==DREAM - Overthrowing The Spirit of Killing=2018-07-15
699===8==SIGN - Me N My RC=2018-07-15
700===8==Christmas Every Month=2018-07-22
701===8==DREAM - My Airstream Trailer=2018-07-22
702===8==The Prayer of Jesus Against The Spirit of Sexual Identity Confusion
(SoSIC) Laid Upon Children
703===8==The Ghost of Tom Joad In Search of Kingdom Justice=2018-08-05
704===8==DREAM - Devouring Words=2018-08-06
705===8==DREAM - Broken Connection=2018-08-11
706===8==Dark Cloud City=2018-08-16
707===8==DREAM - Destroying The 2 Mobile Houses of The 2x2s=2018-08-23
708===8==DREAM - Amarosa, Amarosa=2018-08-23
709===8==Let Sleeping Janitors Lie=2018-09-02
709a==8==Removing The Sleep SOG=2018-09-03
710===8==In Praise of the Son=2018-09-04
711===8==DREAM - Overthrowing The Fake Gilbert House=2018-09-09
712===8==DREAMS - Removing Arguing and Backbiting=2018-09-22
713===8==A Template For Healing=2018-09-29
714===8==DREAMS - Battle Royale=2018-09-30
715===8==DREAM - Wrestling With Witchcraft From New York Life=2018-10-04
716===8==From Stumbling Shoes To 5.11 Combat Boots=2018-10-04
717===8==My Dad’s Letter=2018-10-07
717a==8==(original letter of 717 above)
718===8==The Prayer of Jesus For Targeted Individuals AND
The Word of God Against The Targeting of Individuals

The Prayer and the Word are One and The Same=2018-10-13
719===8==Assaulting The House of Witchcraft=2018-10-18
720===8==This Week In Spook Army TWISpA 21 - 27 October 2018=2018-10-28
721===8==DREAM - His Hands Are Tied=2018-11-11
722===8==DREAM - With These I Do Stand=2018-11-21
723===8==DREAM - The Burglar=2018-11-21
724===8==DREAM - Let’s Throw Dad In The Back=2018-11-21
725===8==DREAM - The Hungry Zombie Racist Witch=2018-11-21
726===8==DREAM - The Liberation of (CS6)=2018-12-02
727===8==DREAM - Removing The Spirit of Pride=2018-12-02
728===8==DREAM - Going Nuclear=2018-12-02
729===8==One Small Error Makes For A Happy Janitor=2018-12-02
730===8==DREAM - Who Once Was King Is Now A Slave;
Who Was A Slave Returns As King
731===8==But I Still Wrestle…=2018-12-07
732===8==… And We Still Wage War=2018-12-07
733===8==A Sign of Good Faith=2018-12-09
734===8==A New Day Has Arrived, And Good Things Are Sure To Be Seen=2018-12-10
735===8==Under Pressure=2018-12-14
736===8==Medicare Malfunction Part 1=2018-12-22
737===8==Medicare Malfunction Part 2=2018-12-22
738===8==A Tough Couple of Weeks ((DREAM) And Then Some)=2018-12-22
739===8==The End Has Come, And So Has The Beginning=2018-12-23
740===8==A. D. 2018 A Year of Dreams=2018-12-31


* * * * *

A.D. 2019
Letters 740-841
740===9==A. D. 2019 A Year of AVTOS=2019-01-01
741===9==DREAMS - New Year’s Dreams=2019-01-02
(2019-01-04= at this time I transitioned my sleep-cycle to "Day-shift" hours,
after working 15 years at night ("Graveyard" shift) and sleeping during the day)
742===9==SIGN - The Branch In The Window=2019-01-08
743===9==SIGN - Moroni’s Last Hope=2019-01-08
744===9==“This Saved The Day”=2019-01-19
745===9==That’s One Hot Wicked Witch-General=2019-01-21
746===9==This Movie Smells of SOG=2019-01-21
747===9==DREAMS - TWISpA (This Week In Spook Army)=2019-02-03
748===9==DREAM - What Strange Costumes Ya’ll Wear=2019-02-06
749===9==DREAM - The Apartment=2019-02-06
750===9==DREAM - The Two Sigils=2019-02-08
750a==9==Comments on Letter 750=2019-02-09
751===9==The Passion Translation=2019-02-26
752===9==(radio silence) DREAMS - 11:16. The Two (…)=2019-02-26
753===9==Max Headroom Part 1 of 4 Just What Is A Seer?=2019-02-26
754===9==Max Headroom Part 2 of 4 Just What Is A Prophet?=2019-02-26
755===9==Max Headroom Part 3 of 4 Just What Is A Head?=2019-02-26
756===9==Max Headroom Part 4 of 4 In Summation=2019-02-26
757===9==My Prayer For Angel Gabriella=2019-02-27
758===9==SIGN-“Thy Will”=2019-02-28
760===9==TERMINAL DREAM - Pet Torture=2019-03-02
761===9==TERMINAL DREAM - Apple Inc.=2019-03-02
762===9==TERMINAL DREAM - The High School=2019-03-07
763===9==TERMINAL DREAM - The Greeter=2019-03-07
764===9==TERMINAL DREAM - (CB61), Neelix, and The Tempo=2019-03-07
765===9==TERMINAL DREAM - That’s Your Problem=2019-03-07
766===9==The Shield of the Angel of Adonai A Code of Honor=2019-03-11
767===9==TERMINAL VISION-DREAM - The Passerby & Co.=2019-03-11
768===9==TERMINAL VISION - Piercing the Highest Wickedness=2019-03-11
769===9==Hey, Where’s The Mocha?=2019-03-16
770===9==DREAM - The Abortion Clinic=2019-03-16
771===9==Gabriella, Angel On Assignment=2019-03-21
772===9==Two “P”s From The Same Evil Pod=2019-03-21
772a==9==TERMINAL DREAM - Put Dog In Freezer=2019-04-18
773===9==(radio silence) DREAM - "I've Got You Covered"=2019-03-25
774===9==“The Book of This Prophecy” - Part 1 An Open Door To Angel Gabriel=2019-04-09
775===9==“The Book of This Prophecy” - Part 2 Angel Gabriel's Dictum=2019-04-09
776===9==“The Book of This Prophecy” - Part 3 Angel Gabriel's Annunciation=2019-04-09
777===9==TERMINAL SIGN - The Weird Lady=2019-04-17
778===9==TERMINAL DREAM - Embryo Man In The Father’s Right Hand!=2019-04-17
779===9==TERMINAL DREAM - News Flash: Buck Knife Silences Deceiving Angel
(And Kills Her Three Lying Demons Too)=2019-04-17
780===9==Destroying Sleep Paralysis=2019-04-22
781===9==Resurrection City=2019-04-22
782===9==The Swords That Cannot Be Broken=2019-04-24
783===9==INTELLIGENCE REPORT - Vision by Dr. Maurice Sklar=2019-04-27
784===9==DREAM - Cross Roads=2019-05-03
785===9==DREAM - The Business Card=2019-05-04
786===9==SCRIPTURE AND DOCTRINE - Three Peace Suit=2019-05-04
787===9==DREAMS - 1. The Giant / 2. The Service Manager=2019-05-09
788===9==DREAM - All Hell Is Breaking Loose, All Heaven is Breaking Forth=2019-05-09
789===9==DREAM - The Mother Fox and The Warlock=2019-05-09
790===9==(radio silence) Fugooland=2019-05-13
791===9==DREAM - What Jesus Knows AND What Jesus Wants=2019-05-12
792===9==TERMINAL DREAM - The Leavened Bread Warehouse=2019-05-21
793===9==DREAM - Black Map Overlay=2019-05-21
794===9==TERMINAL DREAM - The Killer=2019-05-21
795===9==TERMINAL VISION - Service Station Manager=2019-05-21
796===9==DREAM - The House of Accusation=2019-05-21
797===9==INTEL-SIGN Upon Further Analysis=2019-05-21
798===9==DREAMS - A Pivotal Moment In Time=2019-05-24
799===9==Up Armor Angels=2019-06-01
800===9==The Spirit of Jesus=2019-06-01
801===9==(radio silence) DREAM - Jesus The Bridegroom=2019-06-01
802===9==DREAM - Familiar B’n’B=2019-06-03
803===9==The Prayer of Jesus For The Healing of His People=2019-06-06
PART 01, PART 02, PART 03, PART 04, PART 05
804a==9==(radio silence) DREAM - Removing The gods of The Freemasons P1=2019-06-21
804b==9==DREAM - Removing The gods of The Freemasons
Part 2 - Perversion in The Valley
804c==9==VISION - Removing The gods of The Freemasons
Part 3 - Execute, Execute, Execute
=2019-06-21 (Part 3 Attachment)
804d==9==TERMINAL DREAM - False Flag Father-In-Law=2020-01-06
805===9==“Jesus Said…”=2019-07-04
805a==9==DREAMS=Interceding For My Niece=2020-01-19
805b==9==INCIDENT REPORT - Operation Intercession: Jehovah-jireh=2020-05-22
806===9==Special Operation Swedish=2019-07-09
807a==9==DREAM 1 of 2 - Shooter Ready=2019-07-20
807b==9==DREAM 2 of 2 - Janitorial Crew=2019-07-20
808===9==VISION - Praying Angel Monks=2019-07-20
808a==9==TERMINAL DREAM - Trash Processing=2021-03-13
808b==9==DREAM - My Brother’s Angel=2021-03-13
809===9==VISION-DREAM - 1. VISION - Intercession 2. DREAM - Seal Team=2019-08-06
809a==9==TERMINAL DREAM - The HR Council Against Mars Hill Church=2020-05-22
809b==9==DREAM - Jesus My Priest=2020-05-23
809c==9==DREAM - Ocean House Worship=2020-05-29
809d==9==DREAM - Trash Management=2020-11-01
810===9==“Alive Day”=2019-08-06
811===9==VISION - War and Peace=2019-08-24
812===9==TERMINAL DREAM - The Two Homeless Women=2019-08-31
813===9==(radio silence) DREAM - Sick (…)=2019-09-21
814===9==A Bible Study On Angels In The New Testament
(Not including The Book of Revelation)=2019-09-25
814a==9==The Undiscovered Country of Greater Things=2019-09-25
815===9==TERMINAL DREAM - Deceiving Angel Evangelist=2019-09-26
816===9==TERMINAL DREAM - The Underground Hippie House=2019-10-05
817===9==TERMINAL VISION - Nose To Nose /
818===9==DREAM - The Pastor’s Wet Shoes=2019-10-12
819===9==POEM - Christians Don't Die=2019-10-15
820===9==Operation Free Olympia=2019-10-15 (click here for special picture)
821===9==DREAM - The New Valley Church=2019-10-21
822===9==The Jesus Anointing The Future is Here and Now=2019-10-24
823===9==Range Report=2019-10-25
824===9==DREAM - Thinking of Pastor=2019-11-07
825===9==(radio silence) DREAM - The Evil Bed of (…)=2019-11-08
826===9==DREAM - The Comfort of Pastor (CB65)=2019-11-08
827===9==VISION - The Hag Lady / DREAM - Sent By My Father /
828===9==(radio silence) AUDIO NOTE - Whole World Prayer=2019-11-12
829===9==DREAM - The Prison Restroom / AUDIO REPORT -
Family Deliverance and Healing
830===9==Family Reunion=2019-11-14
831===9==DREAM - The Legacy=2019-11-16
832===9==TWISNA - 17 June - 25 June 2019 /
VISION - Fists of Fury
832a==9==DREAM - Jesus Speaks Clothing=2022-09-28
833===9==HR's War Against Tansy Dog
(And All Other Creatures) Part 1 =2019-12-12
834===9==HR's War Against Tansy Dog
(And All Other Creatures) Part 2 =2019-12-12
835===9==HR's War Against Tansy Dog
(And All Other Creatures) Part 3=2019-12-12
836===9==DREAM - Pepper The Super Dog=2019-12-12
837===9==TERMINAL DREAM - The Pain Worshiper=2019-12-15
838===9==DREAM - Revealing The Spirit of Poverty=2019-12-15
839===9==TERMINAL DREAM - The Powers of Witchcraft and Sorcery=2019-12-17
840===9==A Preliminary Injunction Is Sought=2019-12-21
840a==9==A Preliminary Injunction Is Given=2019-12-25
841===9==VISION - “War” - AND - End of Year Synopsis=2019-12-31


* * * * *

A.D. 2020
Letters 842 - 875
842==10==VISION - Let’s Clean House=2020-01-01
842a=10==TERMINAL DREAM - Dead Daughter Deceiver Spirit=2020-01-18
843==10==Angel Gabriel My Fellow Worker=2020-01-12
844==10==DREAMS - Redmond, Bellevue, Redmond=2020-01-18
845==10==Destroying The Oath-Curses of The Freemasons=2020-01-22
846==10==Healing Delayed Is Not Healing Denied=2020-01-23
847==10==Even More W.T.F.?! -OR- So THAT’S Where “Loose Screws” Come From=2020-03-07
848==10==(radio silence) DREAM - LTGBQ Meets ROE3=2020-03-08
849==10==TERMINAL VISION - This Con Lady Got Grilled=2020-03-14
850==10==“The Spirit of Counsel”=2020-03-19
851==10==The Wholesale Destruction of Hell’s Resources=2020-03-27
852==10==VISION - Pepper The Ghost Dog=2020-04-05
853==10==Molech Is Dead -OR- Kill Abortion=2020-04-12
854==10==The Word of God Against The House of Marxism -AND-
The Prayer of Jesus For The Protection of the Bill of Rights
855==10==One Gift Leaves, Others Take Its Place=2020-04-16
856==10==The Presence of The Lord -OR- Spirit-Space To Earth-Space=2020-05-09
857==10==One Way Food & Drug=2020-05-12
858==10==3 Days To Freedom=2020-05-20 (click here to see Rainbow photo)
859==10==George Floyd=2020-07-23
859a=10==DREAM - No Face-masks=2020-09-05
860==10==Good News, And More Good News=2020-08-16
860a=10==Good News No. 1 George Floyd Is My Brother=2020-08-21
860b=10==Good News No. 2 "Let There Be Light "(Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-21
860c=10==Good News No. 3 W.E.S.T. (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-21
860d=10==Good News No. 4 Racism Is Leprosy (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-21
860e=10==Good News No. 5 The Love of Jesus (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-21
860f=10==Good News No. 6 Q&A (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-21
860g=10==Good News No. 7 COVID-19 Good Things (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-21
860h=10==Good News No. 8 Privileged (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-25
860i=10==Good News No. 9 In Control (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-25
860j=10==Good News No. 10 Heart Heaven (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-08-27
860k=10==Good News No. 11 Life Matters (Compliments of George Floyd)=2020-09-01
861==10==The Generation of Hate=2020-08-16
862==10==The Prayer of Jesus Against The Two Archangels of Racial Color Hatred
“Black Betty” and “Dirty White Boy”=2020-08-21 (click here for song mix) (click here for MMIP) (click here for drawing)
862a=10==FIELD REPORT - The Battles Have Been Joined Part 1 -
Revealing The Spirit of Antichrist
=2020-12-29 (click here for audio version of this report)
862b=10==FIELD REPORT - The Battles Have Been Joined Part 2 -
VISION - Destroying The House of The Three Warlocks
=2020-12-29 (click here for audio version of this report)
862c=10==FIELD REPORT - The Battles Have Been Joined Part 3 -
The Sign of The Missing Sign
=2020-12-29 (click here for audio version of this report)
863==10==DREAM - The New Testament=2020-11-03
864==10==A Toast To King Jesus=2020-11-23 (864a PDF version) (Communion audio file—(turn volume up))
865==10==The Three Houses of Maximum Bondage=2020-12-09
866==10==The Many Versions of Martial Me=2020-12-09
867==10==MIRACLE REPORT - Who Turned On The Christmas Tree Lights?=2020-12-09
868==10==TERMINAL DREAM - Coffee Shop-AND-The Election Rat=2020-12-17
869==10==The Prayer of Jesus—AGAINST—
The Three Houses of Maximum Bondage
870==10==Represents Jesus=2020-12-19
871==10==TERMINAL DREAM - Revealing The Redmond Gossip Lady=2020-12-20
872==10==Letter To The Seattle Police Department=2020-12-30
872a=10==(radio silence) DREAM - The (…) Shop=2020-12-30
873==10==End of Year 2020 Review=2020-12-30
874==10==DREAM - Dump That Girlfriend AND Yeshua’s 7 Priorities=2020-12-31
875==10==Final Letter of 2020=2020-12-31


* * * * *

A.D. 2021
Letters 876 - 899
876a=11==A. D. 2020 Comments Part 1
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2=2021-01-25
876b=11==A. D. 2020 Comments Part 2 “I Don’t Want You To Wear A Face-Mask”=2021-02-05
876c=11==A. D. 2020 Comments Part 3 “We Are The Borg”=2021-01-30
876d=11==A. D. 2020 Comments Part 4 The Demonic Cop and The American Citizen=2021-01-30
876e=11==A. D. 2020 Comments Part 5 A Place of Rest and Freedom=2021-02-06
876f=11==DREAM - The Cafe And The Church Man=2021-02-09
876g=11==DREAM - Maintenance Utility Truck=2021-02-10
876h=11==DREAM - The Bellevue Sign=2021-02-10
876i=11==Destroying The Spirit of Antichrist=2021-08-11
876j=11==Money Votes -OR- “Beat The System”=2021-08-11
876k=11==Comments On Dreams=2021-07-17
876l=11==To Update, Or Not To Update (Is That A Question?)=2021-08-11
876m=11==DREAM - “Sing The Book of Psalms” Part 1=2021-08-19
876n=11==DREAM - “Sing The Book of Psalms” Part 2=2021-08-26
876o=11==DREAM - “Sing The Book of Psalms” Part 3=2021-08-26
876p=11==DREAM - Operation Invasion Deposing A Dictator=2021-08-27
876q=11==Winter Power Outage=2021-10-26
876r=11==TERMINAL DREAM - HR Vet Clinic=2021-10-26
876s=11==DREAM - The Heart of The Matter=2021-10-27
876t=11==VISION/DREAM - The Faces of Q-ANON=2021-10-27
876u=11==DREAM - Good Salmon Dog Food=2021-10-27
876v=11==DREAM - Stuffy Nose=2021-10-28
876w=11==DREAM - The New Crown=2021-10-28
877==11==DREAM - No Virus=2021-02-06 (EVDOC-01, )
878==11==DREAM - COPD=2021-02-07
878a=11==DREAM -Part 1 Rattling Beads / Part 2-Young Maiden=2021-10-29
878b=11==DREAM - The Petco Jeep=2021-10-29
879==11==DREAM - The Mask Lady=2021-02-11
880==11==“LET MY PEOPLE BREATHE” (So Says The Lord God Almighty)=2021-02-11
880a=11==TreeFall - Part 01=2021-11-25
881==11==DREAM - The Gatekeepers of Hell’s Resources=2021-03-07
882==11==The Issaquah Incident=2021-03-07
883==11==DREAM - Saving The Second Amendment=2021-03-22
884==11==“I Will Make This Happen”=2021-03-24
885==11==Ever Given Is EVERGREEN=2021-03-27
885a=11==DREAM - Costco Tire Store=2021-10-25
886==11==DREAM Sister Christian AND The Strong Man=2021-07-10
887==11==The Missing Seven=2021-08-25
888==11==TWISpA Update (This Week In Spook Army)=2021-09-11
889==11==The War Against Witchcraft Continues=2021-09-12
890==11==(radio silence) The Vertigo Factor=2021-09-13
890a=11==These Three Speak - (Plus 1 More Equals 4)=2021-12-11
891==11==Overthrowing Critical Race Theory The Blame Game Stops; Here And Now=2021-10-05
892==11==DREAM - “Use The .50 Cal.”=2021-10-08
892a=11==The Prayer of "The .50 Cal"=2021-10-08 (PrayerSong link (M2-"Ma Deuce"))
893==11==Jesus Said (That I May Know)=2021-10-17
894==11==DREAM - Angel Gabe's Chicken Soup Activation=2021-11-16
894a=11==FIELD REPORT Part-1 Really Sore / Part 2-Dad Intercedes For Son=2021-12-27
894b=11==DREAM - Fake Gabriel=2021-12-27
894c=11==DREAM - The Balloon Guy=2021-12-25
894d=11==DREAM - Riot Defense=2021-12-25
894e=11==DREAM - Dirt Track Dune Buggy=2021-12-25
894f=11==De-Resonating Resonant Evil=2021-12-25
895==11==THE RF FACTOR - Repentance and Forgiveness=2021-12-07
896==11==DREAM - The Big Tree Stump Section
—OR— How To Blockade A Road —OR— The Tree Stump From Hell
897==11==Family First, Politics Second=2021-12-13
Who Turned On The Christmas Tree Lights (Again)?
898a=11==DREAM - The Burlingame Revival=2021-12-25
898b=11==DREAM - Survivor Alone=2021-12-25
898c=11==DREAM - Part 1 Trump’s Good Idea Angel /
Part 2 Wicked Legalistic Recall Lady
899==11==Final Letter of 2021=2021-12-30

* * * * *

A.D. 2022
Letters 900 - 916
900==12==Jesus Here And Now=2022-01-07
901==12==At Home Detox=2022-01-07
902==12==TERMINAL DREAM - Introducing Doctor Tumor=2022-01-07
903==12==Real Sore & Grocery Store=2022-01-07
904==12==DREAM - Jesus Tames The African Tiger=2022-01-06
904a=12==The 4th Pill Miracle=2022-02-28
904b=12==The Word Is “4”=2022-03-01
905==12==Boy Meets Girl A Long Time Ago, In A Lifetime Far, Far Away…
Part 1 - The Beginning
905a=12==Boy Meets Girl A Long Time Ago, In A Lifetime Far, Far Away…
Part 2 - Life Goes On
905b=12==Boy Meets Girl A Long Time Ago, In A Lifetime Far, Far Away…
Part 3 - She’s “A Killer”, The Papers Read
905c=12==Boy Meets Girl A Long Time Ago, In A Lifetime Far, Far Away…
Part 4 - Christian Girl Is Taken Prisoner, Satan Ambushes Prophet
905d=12==Boy Meets Girl A Long Time Ago, In A Lifetime Far, Far Away…
Part 5 - The Enemy Strikes Again
905e=12==Boy Meets Girl A Long Time Ago, In A Lifetime Far, Far Away…
Part 6 - The End, For Now…=2022-02-11
905f=12==Boy Meets Girl A Long Time Ago, In A Lifetime Far, Far Away…
Part7 - COMPLETE STORY IN ONE PDF=2022-02-12
905g=12==One Year And Two Week Notice=2022-10-01
905h=12==Church Fallen Angel Removed=2022-10-12
905i=12==Ezekiel Eight -AND- The Five Abominations=2022-10-21
905j=12==Church (U19) Summation Three Church Angels, One Has Fallen=2022-10-22
906==12==DREAM - The Smith & Wesson Governor=2022-02-23
907==12==TERMINAL DREAM - Warlocks And Witches=2022-02-23
907a=12==9MM Fire Power=2022-10-30
908==12==TWISpA Update=2022-03-29
909==12==DREAM - Three House Destruction=2022-04-02
909a=12==The Pain From Hell=2022-04-02
910==12==Baphomet Executed=2022-04-16
911==12==A Word From Angel Gabriel=2022-04-23
911a=12==Testimony Is Ministry=2022-04-30
911b=12==The Two Signs of Wonder=2022-05-06
911c=12==TERMINAL DREAM - The House of Fraud
The Secret Destruction of Dungeons and Dragons=2022-05-09
912==12==A Return To The Assembly - Part 1 The Spirit of Liberty=2022-06-14
912a=12==A Return To The Assembly - Part 2 “You’re No Stranger”=2022-06-14
912b=12==A Return To The Assembly - Part 3 Finding My Mom=2022-06-14
912c=12==A Return To The Assembly - Part 4 The Chair of Exorcism=2022-06-14
912d=12==A Return To The Assembly - Part 5 “I Smell A Rat”=2022-06-14
913a=12==The Family Business - Part 1 MMIP Request=2022-06-04
913b=12==The Family Business - Part 2 Jesus (x 3)= =2022-06-04
913c=12==The Family Business - Part 3 Killing River Rats=2022-06-04
913d=12==The Family Business - Part 4 DREAM - The Two Word-Faith Shoppers=2022-06-04
913e=12==Jesus’ Most Three List=2022-06-15
914==12==A Seed Is Planted=2022-06-15
914a=12==DREAM - (CB73)=2022-07-11
915==12==DREAM - Murder By Suicide=2022-07-11 (EV-DOC L915)
915a=12==VISION - Bright Light Deception=2022-10-30
915b=12==(radio silence) This Is Not My Name=2022-11-05
915c=12==12 Bullet Points=2022-12-21
915d=12==MIRACLE REPORT - For The “Umpteenth” Time!
Who Turned On The Christmas Tree Lights?=2022-12-07
915e=12==DREAM - Law Officer Song=2022-12-07
916==12==This Year In Spook Army Final Letter of 2022=2022-12-31

* * * * *

A.D. 2023
Letters 917 - 925
917==13==First Letter of Anno Domini 2023=2023-02-10
918==13==Bravo Dr. Michael S. Heiser R.I.P.=2023-02-25
(Click on these links for: Dr. Heiser’s
Final Message, Dr. Heiser’s Dissertation.)
919==13==Two Eagles 2nd Amendment=2023-03-07
919a=13==Q&A With Jesus Fossil Fuels=2023-04-01
919b=13==EVIDENTIARY DOCUMENTATION Q&A With Jesus On Fossil Fuels=2023-04-02
920==13==Serving Jesus=2023-05-17
920a=13==Just Whose Tongue Is It Anyway? Part 1 - The Proof-Text Trap=2023-06-01
920b=13==Just Whose Tongue Is It Anyway? Part 2 - He Who Made It=2023-06-01
920c=13==Kingdom Curriculum Vitae=2023-06-01
920d=13==My Grievances Against The State of Washington=2023-06-08
920e=13==Jesus My Testimony=2023-08-27
920f=13==How HR Uses Man To Insult and Destroy Man=2023-09-19
921==13==A Matter of Understanding True Church Authority
“That The Word of God May Not Be Blasphemed”
922==13==Jesus, King of Identity Refusal=2023-09-22
923==13==First Death, Second Death=2023-12-12
924==13==Aid And Help Comes (His Answer To Our Prayers)=2023-12-13
925==13==End of Year Letter - A. D. 2023-=2023-12-31

* * * * *

A.D. 2024
Letters 926 - ???
926==14==First Letter of A.D. 2024=2024-02-03
927==14==Know Before You Read=2024-02-04
927a=14==TYISpA - This Year In Spook Army The War Continues=2024-06-09
927b=14==Angels In The Church=2024-07-06
927c=14==An Exegesis of Acts Chapter 12=2024-07-06
928==14==The Protection of President Donald J Trump
-AND- The Deliverance of The Nation

= = = = = = =
Portrait of Jesus by Akiane Kramarik (c) 2003
Confirmed by
Colton Burpo circa 2005

Letter 0